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Sponsors and Partners

At Grapple Guard Body Wash, we take pride not only in crafting exceptional products but also in actively engaging with the grappling and martial arts community. As part of our commitment to fostering a thriving community, we are proud to sponsor and partner with various events throughout the United States & Canada. These collaborations allow us to support athletes, enthusiasts, and organizations who share our passion for excellence and the pursuit of physical and mental well-being.


We extend our deepest gratitude to our valued sponsors and partners, whose unwavering support and shared vision enable us to make a positive impact on the jujitsu community. Their dedication to promoting the sport and enhancing the experiences of practitioners aligns perfectly with our core values. We are grateful for their trust and collaboration.


List of Sponsors and Partners:


1. Warrior Martial Arts

2. Mountain Jiu Jitsu - Squamish BC

3. My White Belt Podcast

4. Elbows Tight Podcast


We are excited about our ongoing collaborations and are constantly seeking opportunities to expand our reach and support the community further. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or partnering with us, please reach out to our team through the contact information provided on our website. Together, we can continue to make a difference and contribute to the growth and success of the combat community across the world.


Note: The list of sponsors and partners provided is subject to change and may be updated periodically.

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